The French Art of Conversation: How to Engage Like a Parisian

a cafe and the street with the eiffel tower in the background paris france

The French are known for their love of conversation, where words flow like a fine wine and discussions are treated as an art form. To engage like a Parisian, it’s not just about speaking French but understanding the cultural nuances that make conversations in France both lively and meaningful. Here are some tips to help you embrace the French art of conversation!

1. Start with a Polite Greeting

In France, greetings set the tone for any conversation. Always start with a polite “Bonjour” (Good morning) or “Bonsoir” (Good evening), and don’t forget to use titles such as “Monsieur” or “Madame.” Politeness is key!

2. Show Genuine Interest

French conversations are driven by genuine curiosity and interest. Ask thoughtful questions like “Qu’en pensez-vous?” (What do you think about that?) or “Avez-vous déjà essayé…?” (Have you ever tried…?). It shows you’re eager to listen and engage.

3. Be Prepared for Debate

Parisians enjoy a good debate, but it’s not about winning or losing. Express your opinions confidently and back them up with reasons, but also be open to hearing the other side. Phrases like “Je suis d’accord, mais…” (I agree, but…) or “Je comprends votre point de vue, cependant…” (I understand your point of view, however…) are useful.

4. Avoid Taboo Topics

While the French enjoy discussing politics, philosophy, and culture, topics like money, personal finances, and religion are usually considered private and best avoided, especially with new acquaintances.

5. Mind Your Body Language

Body language plays a significant role in French conversations. Maintain eye contact to show interest, and use hand gestures subtly to emphasize your points. Avoid crossing your arms, as it can be seen as defensive or uninterested.

6. Embrace the Silence

Silence in French conversation isn’t awkward; it’s a natural pause to reflect and think. Don’t rush to fill every gap with words. Instead, use it as a moment to consider your next thought or to savor the exchange.

7. Master the Art of Complimenting

Compliments in French are more about thoughtfulness than flattery. Be sincere when complimenting someone, whether it’s about their choice of words or their perspective. A simple “C’est une idée intéressante!” (That’s an interesting idea!) can go a long way.


Engaging in conversation like a Parisian is about more than just speaking French; it’s about being polite, curious, and open-minded. Remember to listen as much as you speak, and enjoy the rhythm of the exchange. With these tips, you’ll be conversing like a Parisian in no time!

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