How to Conjugate Regular French Verbs

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Conjugating regular French verbs is essential for building sentences and communicating effectively. Regular verbs in French are grouped into three categories based on their endings: -er, -ir, and -re verbs. Let’s explore the basics of conjugating these verbs in the present tense.

1. Conjugating -ER Verbs

Most French verbs fall into the -er category, making them the most common. To conjugate, remove the -er ending from the infinitive form and add the appropriate ending:

  • Je -e (e.g., parlerje parle)
  • Tu -es (e.g., aimertu aimes)
  • Il/Elle/On -e (e.g., travailleril travaille)
  • Nous -ons (e.g., jouernous jouons)
  • Vous -ez (e.g., chantervous chantez)
  • Ils/Elles -ent (e.g., danserils dansent)

2. Conjugating -IR Verbs

For -ir verbs, remove the -ir ending and add these endings:

  • Je -is (e.g., finirje finis)
  • Tu -is (e.g., choisirtu choisis)
  • Il/Elle/On -it (e.g., réussiril réussit)
  • Nous -issons (e.g., grandirnous grandissons)
  • Vous -issez (e.g., agirvous agissez)
  • Ils/Elles -issent (e.g., punirelles punissent)

3. Conjugating -RE Verbs

For -re verbs, remove the -re ending and add the following:

  • Je -s (e.g., vendreje vends)
  • Tu -s (e.g., attendretu attends)
  • Il/Elle/On – (no ending) (e.g., rendreil rend)
  • Nous -ons (e.g., perdrenous perdons)
  • Vous -ez (e.g., répondrevous répondez)
  • Ils/Elles -ent (e.g., descendreils descendent)

Tips for Mastering Conjugation

  • Practice Regularly: Conjugation comes with practice, so try writing or speaking sentences daily.
  • Use Flashcards: Create flashcards with different verbs and their conjugations to reinforce your memory.
  • Engage with French Media: Listening to French songs, watching movies, or reading can help you see verbs in action.

By mastering these conjugation patterns, you’ll build a solid foundation for speaking and understanding French!

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